
what to soak venison in to take the gamey taste away


How to Remove the "Gamey" Taste from Wild Game

AJ Gall

The hunt is over and yous have returned home victorious with the spoils. If you lot are choosing to prep the meat yourself and want to rid it of that sometimes "gamey" flavor, hither are a few things to go along in heed.

1.) Practice Proper Cleaning

A proficient deal of preventing the gaminess in wild game is cleaning the carcass speedily and properly. First, y'all should gut the animal as soon as possible. By removing the innards, it allows the muscle (meat) to cool faster so it doesn't produce the enzymes that give off that undesirable flavour. Afterwards, the hide, fatty, and bone (depending on cutting) needs to be removed as efficiently as possible. Removing the hibernate and bone allows the musculus to cool faster. Unlike domesticated beef, the fat on wild game is not tasty and is one source of gamey flavor.

Butchering a deer from a tree Butchering your deer soon after the kill is one way to ensure the meat will cool properly and stay fresh.  Of course, some prefer to hang information technology for a while if the temperature is correct.

Keep your venison clean and cool every step of the way.  Get that deer butchered and into the freezer within a day or ii.  If you lot tin do that, your venison will taste great.

But even then, don't await it to taste similar cow meat.  These days, even beefiness doesn't taste like beef.  Ane reason for this is considering most American beef is now raised in feedlots.  When people try grass-fed beef considering they've heard information technology's healthier or more flavorful, they often decide it'south not for them.  Information technology has a different season—virtually like venison.

Gratis-range organic venison doesn't naturally taste "gamey."  It naturally tastes great.  Removing the silver skin from the individual muscle groups will as well assistance your venison gustation great. Instead of disguising that natural flavour with sauces, marinades, and gallons of cheap Italian dressing in giant plastic jugs, let's gloat and enjoy it.

2.) Soak the Meat

One of the near common ways to remove gamey flavor from game meat is to soak the meat before you lot freeze information technology. As to what liquid to use, that is the topic of hot debate. Ask a group of hunters what they use and you will notice a hundred dissimilar answers.

Common soaking liquids include saltwater, milk, buttermilk, vinegar, or lemon juice. In that location are many hunters that swear by dairy products when it comes to removing gaminess every bit dairy "bleeds out" many meats, with blood being a source of gamey flavor. This is also a useful technique to use if you lot are trying to save particularly bloodshot meat, simply sometimes even soaking it in yogurt is not plenty for the worse cases.

3.) Freeze Properly

You went through all the effort to properly prepare the meat, and then what a shame it would be if it ended up getting all freezer burnt. This frequently happens when you try to freeze a lot of meat in one container or package. Put in the actress effort and individually wrap or vacuum seal each cut so that no air will get trapped in there and cause the devastating tragedy that is freezer burn.

Vacuum sealed packages work the best, just even wrapping meat well in plastic wrap or butcher paper can keep it fresh for over a year.

4.) Don't Overcook Information technology

The most important affair to remember:  Don't overcook it.  On the grill, it takes just seconds for steaks to become from perfection to overdone shoe leather.  How long you cook your venison makes way more difference than the age of the deer, how long it was aged while hanging from the oak tree in your front m, or pretty much whatever other venison variable you can call up of.  With a dull cooker, no worries.  Only with just nearly any other cooking method, a piffling overcooking can negate everything you lot've washed right up until at present.  Unlike beefiness or pork, venison has very piddling intramuscular fat that's marbled correct into the meat.  That doesn't mean venison has to exist dry.  Information technology does, yet, mean you lot can't get away with overcooking it.

Perfectly cooked venison steak Hither's what a perfectly cooked piece of tenderloin looks like.

When all else fails…

5.) Pick a Skilful Marinade

Everybody knows somebody that automatically turns downward a venison meal just because they heard the discussion VENISON.  Well, I'one thousand sure many of us take also gotten away with serving venison nether the disguise of beefiness likewise, and the unsuspecting guest loved it!  While venison is very tasty lone, as long as information technology's non overcooked, it'south nice to mix it up every now and and then by adding some additional flavors.

Later on prepping the meat as best you can, giving it a good soak, and freezing it properly, there should be little to no balance gaminess, depending on how skilful you are at processing. So, what is the best way to embrace up that remaining wild game flavor?  Marinades.

While venison benefits from marinades that help keep it moist, a number of wild game recipes require marinades beforehand since the stronger flavors go a long way to completely remove gamey flavor from the meat. Nevertheless, only like what liquid you want to soak meat in before freezing, you will find no ii hunters volition e'er concur on what marinade to use, especially since it too varies depending on what recipe you are making with what game meat.

The one matter that hunters tin agree on when marinating wild game is that you lot need to start that soak, at the very to the lowest degree, four hours prior to cooking. The recommended fourth dimension is actually more similar six hours so that information technology can fully blot all those tasty flavors. The longer the marinade, the better tasting the meat, and so don't be afraid to leave it sit overnight if you won't have time to marinate the next twenty-four hour period.

deer camp essential gear


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